7 Product realization
7 产品实现
7.4Purchasing 采购
7.4.1Purchasing process 采购过程
The organizationshall document procedures (see 4.2.4) to ensure thatpurchased product conforms to specified purchasing information.
The organization shall establishcriteria for the evaluation and selection of suppliers. The criteria shall be:
a) based on the supplier’s abilityto provide product that meets the organization’s requirements;
b) based on the performance of thesupplier;
c) based on the effect of thepurchased product on the quality of the medical device;
d) proportionate to the riskassociated with the medical device.
The organization shall plan themonitoring and re-evaluation of suppliers. Supplier performance in meetingrequirements for the purchased product shall be monitored. The results of themonitoring shall provide an input into the supplier re-evaluation process.
Non-fulfilment of purchasingrequirements shall be addressed with the supplier proportionate to the riskassociated with the purchased product and compliance with applicable regulatoryrequirements.
Records of theresults of evaluation, selection, monitoring and re-evaluation of suppliercapability or performance and any necessary actions arising from theseactivities shall be maintained (see 4.2.5).
7.4.2Purchasing information 采购信息
Purchasinginformation shall describe or reference the product to be purchased, includingas appropriate:
a) productspecifications;
b) requirementsfor product acceptance, procedures, processes and equipment;
c) requirementsfor qualification of supplier personnel;
d) qualitymanagement system requirements.
The organizationshall ensure the adequacy of specified purchasing requirements prior to their communicationto the supplier.
Purchasing information shallinclude, as applicable, a written agreement that the supplier notify the organizationof changes in the purchased product prior to implementation of any changes thataffect the ability of the purchased product to meet specified purchaserequirements.
To the extentrequired for traceability given in 7.5.9, theorganization shall maintain relevant purchasing information in the form ofdocuments (see 4.2.4) and records (see 4.2.5).
7.4.3Verification of purchased product 采购产品的确认
The organizationshall establish and implement the inspection or other activities necessary forensuring that purchased product meets specified purchasing requirements. The extent of verification activities shall be based on the supplierevaluation results and proportionate to the risks associated with the purchasedproduct.
When theorganization becomes aware of any changes to the purchased product, theorganization shall determine whether these changes affect the product realizationprocess or the medical device. the organization shall state the intendedverification activities and method of product release in the purchasinginformation.
Records of theverification shall be maintained (see 4.2.5).
7.6 Controlof monitoring and measuring equipment 监控和测量设备的控制
The organizationshall determine the monitoring and measurement to be undertaken and the monitoringand measuring equipment needed to provide evidence of conformity of product to determinedrequirements.
The organizationshall document procedures to ensure that monitoring and measurement can be carriedout and are carried out in a manner that is consistent with the monitoring andmeasurement requirements.
As necessary toensure valid results, measuring equipment shall:
a) be calibratedor verified, or both, at specified intervals, or prior to use, againstmeasurement standards traceable to international or national measurementstandards: when no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration orverification shall be recorded (see 4.2.5);
b) be adjustedor re-adjusted as necessary: such adjustments or re-adjustments shall berecorded (see4.2.5);
c) haveidentification in order to determine its calibration status;
d) besafeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement result;
e) be protectedfrom damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage.
The organizationshall perform calibration or verification in accordance with documentedprocedures.
In addition, theorganization shall assess and record the validity of the previous measuringresults when the equipment is found not to conform to requirements. Theorganization shall take appropriate action in regard to the equipment and anyproduct affected.
Records of theresults of calibration and verification shall be maintained (see 4.2.5).
The organizationshall document procedures for the validation of the application of computersoftware used for the monitoring and measurement of requirements. Such softwareapplications shall be validated prior to initial use and, as appropriate, afterchanges to such software or its application.
The specific approach and activitiesassociated with software validation and revalidation shall be proportionate to therisk associated with the use of the software, including the effect on theability of the product to conform to specifications. Records of the results andconclusion of validation and necessary actions from the validation shall be maintained(see 4.2.4 and 4.2.5).
NOTE Furtherinformation can be found in ISO 10012.
注:进一步信息见ISO 10012